Voice Scorekeeping for Basketball

Pete Spiewak
Product Management
September 8, 2022

Ever wanted to check in during a timeout to see how many turnovers your point guard has? Wish you could know who was winning the battle in the paint and share rebounding stats with your team at halftime? The fast pace of basketball has always made it difficult to track stats in the moment.

Until now.

Keep your eyes on the court — instead of the scorebook

For the first time ever, basketball scorekeepers can collect stats as they happen using just their voice. The latest version of the GameChanger app on iOS or Android supports voice scorekeeping for basketball, so scorekeepers can keep their eyes on the court instead of buried in the scorebook.

Simply tap and hold the blue microphone button within scorekeeping mode and dictate each play as it happens by saying the play result and the jersey number of the player involved in the play. Some examples:

"Two points number 12"

"Three point miss number 11"

"Rebound number 34"

Multiple plays at once

You can score multiple plays in one input, such as:

"Two point miss number 3, rebound number 11" = 2PT FGA for #3 on your team and a rebound for #11 on your team

"Three points number 1, assist number 3" = 3PT FG for #1 on your team and an assist for #3 on your team

Scoring for the opponent

By default, the app will assign stats to your team. To track stats for the opponent, add the word "opponent" or "home"/"away" to the end of the play entry in order to assign to the opposing team. Examples:

"Three points number 33 opponent" = 3PT FG for #33 for the opponent team

"Two points number 13 away team" = 2PT FG for 13 for the away team

Assigning stats at the team level

Don't need to assign each play to a player? Leave out jersey numbers when entering a play to track stats on the team level, like in the below examples:

"Rebound" = a rebound for your team

"Two points opponent" = a two-point FG assigned to the opponent team

You can always go back and assign plays to a dictated play later.

For a full list of voice commands, click here.

Making quick substitutions

No more scrolling through your team's roster to find the player coming in or out of the game. Save time in those moments (and keep your +/- accurate) by saying "sub" or "substitution" before the player's jersey number who is entering or leaving the game.

"sub number 5" = if #5 is in the game, this will place the player on the bench. If #5 is on the bench, this will add the player to the court

Questions? Feedback? Send an email to help@gc.com with "Voice Scorekeeping" in the subject line.

Trying GameChanger Basketball for the first time? Check out our scorekeeper training.


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